Touché Amoré are a thought provoking, passionate hardcore/punk band from Los Angeles, California. From the first strikes of their angular yet melodic chords, it's apparent that Touché Amoré have awoken something long since forgotten in the hardcore/punk genre. Within each song they build an awe inspiring musical tension while impassioned vocalist Jeremy Bolm's shouts resonate, ripe with intellectual introspection. This collective outpouring of traditional hardcore anger and emotional hardcore openness ultimately coalesces into something beautiful, vulnerable, and refreshingly real. In my opiniopn they're one of the most promising and unique HC band nowadays. Must-have!
*+ Make Do And Mend SPLIT -2010 | VBR
Parting the Sea Between Brightness and Me - 2011 | 320kbs
*older releases haven't uploaded earlier, recorded before SPLIT with La Dispute.
Older Releases: