Lost In Kiev is a 5 pieces band from France, who has developed a musical mix
of post-rock and postcore, warm and straight in its rhythms, sensitive
or majestic in its melodies. Just some beautiful music, I highly recommend their albums. You can visit Lost In Kiev's bandcamp site here.
29 kwietnia 2013
27 kwietnia 2013
Toundra is a band from Madrid, Spain, formed in 2007 as a phoenix from the ashes of the recently-dissolved Nacen De Las Cenizas, which left a good taste in mouth among both national and international hardcore
followers, despite the briefness of their existence. The new creature
has decided to dispense vocals and provides us with an entirely
instrumental sound where guitars, bass and drums take on the entire
role. At times it may recall as much to bands like Isis or Pelican to Mogwai or even to the more progressive and less metal Tool,
but never so much as to sound outdated and used. The comparison between
their capabilities, sound, ideas, creativity and so on, of foreign and
national bands, loses its relevance.
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