Good polish band, unfortunately RIP
30 grudnia 2010
28 grudnia 2010
Adonis Battlefield

"Adonis Battlefield was a screamo band for only a brief period of time from 2003-2005. Their sound was described as abrasive and chaotic." Yeah, ripped form but I am too exhausted because of working with my engineering project. Still I can tell that I love the way they scream.It's like a row, one shout is answering the previous and so on. I like their songnames and the fact that they released their discography in digital form for free. If you are an audiophile you can search for their FLAC stuff on "I hope you bleed!".
Demo CD - 2003 | 320kbps
The Lance Uppercut Overture - 2004 | 320kbps
Split with D'Amore - 2005 | 320kbps
23 grudnia 2010
Sunlight Ascending NEW!

And once again we have pleasure to show you Sunlight Ascendig - young post rock band from USA. As I promised I found their EP (You Don't Belong Here) in better quality and change links. What is more, they have recorded new EP some time ago and of course we have it :) Enjoy! [more about band in 'Older releases']
The Appointment EP (Ambient Demos) - 2010 | VBR
Older releases
The Appointment EP (Ambient Demos) - 2010 | VBR
Older releases
22 grudnia 2010
Amia Venera Landscape NEW!

Amia Venera Landscape is an italian sextet combining nervy post hardcore riffs with wide instrumental, post metal suites. They born in 2007 with a six-pieces lineup, and immediately start gaining their own space in the italian alternative scene. In 2008 they released their debut EP "Marasm", that allows them to play in the main italian rock clubs. For me it's the one of most fantastic and original bands ever! Mix of post hardcore and post metal, clean vocals and growls as they do it is something gorgeous and incredibly awesome!
The Long Procession LP - 2010 | 320 kbps
Older releases
The Long Procession LP - 2010 | 320 kbps
Older releases

Miri is a instrumental band from East Iceland. The members come from three small towns, Fellabær, Seydisfjordur and Egilsstadir. The band was formed in 2003 at the LungA (Art festival for young people in East Iceland) in Seydisfjordur. Iceland is porobably only one country which has so many original and unexpected artists. Miri is one of the examples. Their music is a mix of instrumental post rock music, electronic sounds and full, full, full of experiment. Chceck them out!
Rest Of My Life
Completely unpopular and underrated - less than 1000 listeners (sic!) on - I can't believe! This unique Norwegian band needs more attention. I'm in love with those original, double vocals (ocassionally screams) and post-rock background. My favourite is Transition EP - if you think that songs there aren't catchy - I will buy you a beer! I hope that they get more fans someday, their music is straight from the heart - they deserve to be heard!
Indie rock,
21 grudnia 2010
Язык Дождя

Язык Дождя (in russian this name has two meanings: the tongue of the rain and the language of the rain) are a Russian post-rock band. They compose instrumental guitar-based pieces in the post-rock tradition. It has easily identifiable connections to genres like shoegaze, progressive rock or art rock. I've noticed that almost every each of russian post rock bands is so much similiar to the Everything Is Mad In China, but Язык Дождя is diffrent - maybe even better! Check them out - I recommend self-titled LP at first.
20 grudnia 2010
Lowecase Noises
Lowercase Noises is Andy Othling, a guitarist and musician from Albuquerque, NM. Andy performs/programs all instruments.
Lowercase Noises started out in a college dorm with some simple recording gear and a guitar. As Andy’s love and interest in the recording/mixing process grew songs and styles began to emerge.
Lowercase Noises started out in a college dorm with some simple recording gear and a guitar. As Andy’s love and interest in the recording/mixing process grew songs and styles began to emerge.
For me it's something b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l
Ambient Songs | 320 kbps
13 grudnia 2010
Nine Inch Nails

Don't really have to introduce that band, I'm quite sure. Also, I know that Nine Inch Nails doesn't quite fit there (too mainstream, huh?), but honestly, Trent do some amazing job with industrial and you should appreciate him and listen some of this well-done music ;p Seriously - give them a chance.
Halo 1 - Down In It - 1989 | 320kbps
Halo 2 - Pretty Hate Machine - 1989 | 320kbps
Halo 3 - Head Like A Hole - 1990 | 320kbps
Halo 4 - Sin - 1990 | 320kbps
Halo 5 - Broken EP - 1992 | 320kbps
Halo 6 - Fixed - 1992 | 320kbps
Halo 7 - March of the Pigs - 1994 | 320kbps
Halo 8 - The Downward Spiral - 1994 | 320kbps
Halo 9 - Closer To God - 1994 | 320kbps
Halo 10 - Further Down the Spiral - 1995 | 320kbps
Halo 11 - The Perfect Drug - 1997 | 320kbps
Halo 12 - Closure - 1997 | 160kbps
Halo 13 - The Day the World Went Away - 1999 | 320kbps
Halo 14 - The Fragile - 1999 | 320kbps
Left | Right
Halo 15 - We're in This Together - 1999 | 192kbps
Halo 16 - Things Falling Apart - 2000 | 320kbps
Halo 17 - And All That Could Have Been - 2002 | 320kbps
Live CD | Still - Bonus CD
Halo 18 - The Hand That Feeds - 2005 | 320kbps
Halo 19 - With Teeth - 2005 | 320kbps
Halo 20 - Only - 2005 | 320kbps
Halo 21 - Every Day Is Exactly the Same - 2006 | 320kbps
Halo 22 - Beside You in Time - 2007 | 192kbps
Halo 23 - Survivalism - 2007 | 320kbps
Halo 24 - Year Zero - 2007 | 320kbps
Halo 25 - Y34R Z3R0 R3M1X3D - 2007 | 320kbps
Halo 26 - Ghosts I–IV - 2008 | 320kbps
CD1 | CD2
Halo 27 - The Slip - 2008 | 320kbps
Halo 2 - Pretty Hate Machine - 1989 | 320kbps
Halo 3 - Head Like A Hole - 1990 | 320kbps
Halo 4 - Sin - 1990 | 320kbps
Halo 5 - Broken EP - 1992 | 320kbps
Halo 6 - Fixed - 1992 | 320kbps
Halo 7 - March of the Pigs - 1994 | 320kbps
Halo 8 - The Downward Spiral - 1994 | 320kbps
Halo 9 - Closer To God - 1994 | 320kbps
Halo 10 - Further Down the Spiral - 1995 | 320kbps
Halo 11 - The Perfect Drug - 1997 | 320kbps
Halo 12 - Closure - 1997 | 160kbps
Halo 13 - The Day the World Went Away - 1999 | 320kbps
Halo 14 - The Fragile - 1999 | 320kbps
Left | Right
Halo 15 - We're in This Together - 1999 | 192kbps
Halo 16 - Things Falling Apart - 2000 | 320kbps
Halo 17 - And All That Could Have Been - 2002 | 320kbps
Live CD | Still - Bonus CD
Halo 18 - The Hand That Feeds - 2005 | 320kbps
Halo 19 - With Teeth - 2005 | 320kbps
Halo 20 - Only - 2005 | 320kbps
Halo 21 - Every Day Is Exactly the Same - 2006 | 320kbps
Halo 22 - Beside You in Time - 2007 | 192kbps
Halo 23 - Survivalism - 2007 | 320kbps
Halo 24 - Year Zero - 2007 | 320kbps
Halo 25 - Y34R Z3R0 R3M1X3D - 2007 | 320kbps
Halo 26 - Ghosts I–IV - 2008 | 320kbps
CD1 | CD2
Halo 27 - The Slip - 2008 | 320kbps
Usurp Synapse

Chaotic screamo / emo violence band hailing from Lafayette, IN, USA. Interesting fact about the band is that singer also played keyboard during live performances. According to thay had some sick ideas for their merch stuff and realeses covers: "The band utilized unconventional marketing methods, such as a die-cut album cover folded into the shape of a penis entering a vagina, and the inclusion of a razor with a record that promoted suicide on Electric Human Project." They actually were a short-lived band playing and recording most of their stuff in 1999-2000. After all they released discography in 2004 and did small reunion in 2008 which effected in recording another 7 songs on A Vale Contamina. For fans of Jeromes Dream, Reversal of Man and other 90's screamo stuff.
Disinformation Fix CD 1 - 2004 | 320kbps
Disinformation Fix CD 2 - 2004 | 320kbps
A Vile Contamina - 2008 | 320kbps
The Carrier NEW!

The Carrier are one of Boston’s newest and most interesting hardcore bands. Their brand of powerful melodic hardcore is the next chapter of evolution in their genre. Emoting with a goose-bump inducing fervor unlike any other band out there today. One of my favourite HC bands, worth to check - highly recommended!
Modern Hardcore
12 grudnia 2010
Mouth Of The Architect

Mouth of the Architect is an American atmospheric sludge metal band from Dayton, Ohio. We receive here solid and complex compositions. If you wanna hear Isis, Mastodon, Neurosis, Rosetta and Cult Of Luna focused in one band - you should try them.
Time & Withering - 2004 | 320kbps
Mouth of the Architect & Kenoma - Split - 2006 | 256kbps
The Ties That Bind - 2006 | 320kbps
Quietly - 2008 | 320kbps
The Violence Beneath EP - 2010 | 320kbps
Time & Withering - 2004 | 320kbps
Mouth of the Architect & Kenoma - Split - 2006 | 256kbps
The Ties That Bind - 2006 | 320kbps
Quietly - 2008 | 320kbps
The Violence Beneath EP - 2010 | 320kbps
9 grudnia 2010
Black Castle

Freaky duo from USA. I really don't know how to describe them. Experimental is the first word for sure. Mixing keyboard and drums with so frightening screams gets you goose bumbs. If you liked The Death Of Anna Karina's psychedelic church-ish keyboard sound, now you'll be in heaven, or wait: hell. Some of their songs contains some creepy basslines which makes them more interesting. One thing that is bad about them is the fact it's really hard to find some high quality stuff of them. If you posses a hard copy, you're a lucky bastard!
Demo - 2003 | 128kbps
Silver Demo - 2003 | 192kbps
Split with Piedmont Charisma - 2003 | 128kbps
Male Pattern Bondage - 2004 | 192kbps
Split with Nighthounds - 2004 | 128kbps
Split with A Day In Black And White - 2004 VBR (~210kbps)
Funeral For A Friend NEW!

Funeral for a Friend is a post-hardcore band from Wales. They formed in 2001 as a sextet called January Thirst. First releases of a band was typically post-hardcore albums, full of emotions and psychodelic strong message. New ones are much more calm, but typicall for them style of lyrics and performing feelings stay the same, made them quite popular present band.
Alexisonfire NEW!

Alexisonfire (pronounced ‘alexis-on-fire’) is a band from St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. Their music is characterized by turbulent and explosive dynamics with intricate guitar melodies. Consisting of five friends, they formed in late 2001 as the result of a three-band break up. Their lyrical topics range from relationship troubles to go-karting. One of members who is singing is Dallas Green - known also from his solo project City & Colour.
4 grudnia 2010

Band from Kyoto, Japan. Their compositions are quite amazing, innovative, complex and so interesting. It's a pity they have only EP, I'm waiting for some new stuff. You should definitely check it out.
Unutella EP - 2008 | 320kbps
Math Rock,
3 grudnia 2010

Cicada is a young instrumental band from Taiwan. Their music is a piece of composition contain acoustic guitar, cello, 2 violins and piano (1 guy and 4 girls). This fusion of classical instruments and their origin makes them sound intriguing, absorbing, magnetic and a little bit oriental. Their only release is this handmade EP (DIY?;) ). This is probably only one band from Taiwan I know, but for sure one of my favorite, even if the new one will appear. You can check them here and here (videos probably from some rehersals).
Over The Sea/Under The Water EP - 2010 | 320kbs
Modern Classical,
2 grudnia 2010
This Routine Is Hell

This Routine Is Hell, great hardcore punk from Utrecht, the Netherlands. Inspired by the likes of Minor Threat and Paint it Black: Fast, Energetic and Sincere. Frustrated by the drag and the fakeness of the world around them they speak, well actually scream, from the heart and mean every goddamned word that they say.
Hardcore Punk
A Poor Man's Memory

A Poor Man's Memory are three friends, who try to explain themselves in music. Band was born in december 2007 in Dresden, Germany and till now record one EP ('there's your voice in my heart' - if anybody can find it, just let me know!) and LP in 2009. I suppose that the name of band could be from the name of a song of Explosions in The Sky, but I don't really know it and there's no informationa about that anywhere. Nevertheless, APMM serves us nice piece of instrumental post-rock music - worth to check!
Consign Your Heart LP - 2009 | VBR
Consign Your Heart LP - 2009 | VBR
1 grudnia 2010
...Who Calls So Loud
From the members of Funeral Diner - need no more recommendation.
...Who Calls So Loud EP 12'' - 2008 | VBR kbps
...Who Calls So Loud 2x10'' - 2008 | 320 kbps
...Who Calls So Loud EP 12'' - 2008 | VBR kbps
...Who Calls So Loud 2x10'' - 2008 | 320 kbps
29 listopada 2010
Arse Moreira & Amalthea & Eucalypt & Hiro & Orbit Cinta Benjamin & Dodewaard

First part of my older post of Connections. Similarly we receive here a powerful dose of good and sometimes post-rock'ish screamo. All in a 6way split.
Connections - 2008 | VBR (~240kbps)
28 listopada 2010
Good Weather For An Airstrike NEW!

Good Weather For An Airstrike project was initially conceived at the beginning of 2009 to help Tom Honey (also of Post-Rock band Sleepless dreams.) alleviate the issues caused by suffering from tinnitus, which causes a ringing sensation in the ear and can often result in difficulty sleeping. The idea was to create a collection of relaxing sounds which would help induce sleep. The EP below presents a new remixed version of 2 old tracks.

TotorRo is a young post-rock band from Rennes, France. Their music contain elements of dreamlike soundscapes and massive and strong walls of sound. They released only self-titled EP with 4 tracks, but it's only encouragement to wait for their new releases. For fans of Caspian, Exilym, Sleepmakeswaves etc.
TotorRo EP - 2010 | 320kbs
TotorRo EP - 2010 | 320kbs
27 listopada 2010
Jesu (New) / Pale Sketcher

Jesu is an experimental band formed by Justin Broadrick in 2003. It's a mix of electronic, heavy guitars and breath-taking arrangements. Ranging from ambient music and post-rock to industrial, drone and shoegazing.
During the writing of Jesu's "Opiate Sun EP" Justin noticed that Jesu was intended to be a guitar oriented project. The ‘electronica’ side of Jesu was just an inevitable direction for him, but never satisfied with this battle between guitars and electronica with Jesu, he decided to separate the two directions - Jesu, now, and for the forseeable future, being guitar based exclusively, with Pale Sketcher being the project where he can focus and develop further, the Jesu ‘electronica’ sound, without need for further fusion or compromise.
Jesu & Fog - Kissing Kin EP - 2010 | 320kbps
Heart Ache & Dethroned - 2010 | 320kbps
Pale Sketcher - Jesu: Pale Sketches Demixed - 2010 | 320kbps
Old Jesu recordings
During the writing of Jesu's "Opiate Sun EP" Justin noticed that Jesu was intended to be a guitar oriented project. The ‘electronica’ side of Jesu was just an inevitable direction for him, but never satisfied with this battle between guitars and electronica with Jesu, he decided to separate the two directions - Jesu, now, and for the forseeable future, being guitar based exclusively, with Pale Sketcher being the project where he can focus and develop further, the Jesu ‘electronica’ sound, without need for further fusion or compromise.
Jesu & Fog - Kissing Kin EP - 2010 | 320kbps
Heart Ache & Dethroned - 2010 | 320kbps
Pale Sketcher - Jesu: Pale Sketches Demixed - 2010 | 320kbps
Old Jesu recordings
25 listopada 2010
Cap'n Jazz
Their are one of the most original (mixing indie rock sounds with hardcore and melody put new quality in the emo scene from early 90s dominated by Fugazi; scratchy vocal is so extraordinary and songs are so catchy that you're gonna sing them while taking shower) and most influential (2 bands named themselves after their songs: We Are Scientists and Scary Kids Scaring Kids) of all the time in whole damn Universe! Just TAKE IT!
Analphabetapolothology [Disc 1] - 1998 | 320 kbps
Analphabetapolothology [Disc 2] - 1998 | 320 kbps
And some Cap'n Jazz Live:
90s emo,
Midwest Emo
24 listopada 2010
Young Widows
Math Rock,
23 listopada 2010
Oldschool emo band from Los Angeles. They made music in early 90s so it's very unique and touching. And their self-titled LP is very rare shit, so if you have the physical copy - you are lucky bastard! The rest can download it from favourite blog ;) Let Evergreen be evergreen.
22 listopada 2010

Despite the fact that they are from Japan they supported living legends from other parts of the world like La Quiete, Off Minor or Kaospilot. And their shows must be amazing: click.
September Against Sexism - 2006 | 256 kbps
Split with Kaospilot - 2006 | 192 kbps
Want To Escape From Underground (...) - 2006 | VBR kbps
Split with Heaven In Her Arms - 2007 | 192 kbps
Afterall, The Opinion Of One In A Hundred Million (...) - 2007 | VBR kbps
Split with Off Minor - 2008 | VBR kbps
Offering A Sacrifice That Presents And Indicates (...) - 2008 | VBR kbps
Spoken word
20 listopada 2010
Rise Against

Great melodic hardcore band from Chicago. Powerful, noisy, rebellious, emotional, agressive, just amazing. My music tastes have matured somewhat but their Siren Song Of The Counter Culture is still one of my favourite albums.
The Unraveling - 2001 | 320kbps
Revolutions Per Minute - 2003 | 320kbps
Siren Song Of The Counter Culture - 2004 | 320kbps
The Sufferer And The Witness - 2006 | 320kbps
This is Noise EP - 2007 | VBR
Appeal To Reason - 2008 | 320kbps
Rise Against EP - 2008 | 320kbps
19 listopada 2010
Evergreen Terrace

Hailing from Jacksonville, FL Evergreen Terrace has been blazing their own path through the melodic hardcore style since 1999. They have an interesting combination of screams and clean vocals which makes them unique on the metalcore scene. Songs are pretty intense and sometimes agressive. Their covers release made my point of view on pop music totally different. And a big plus for using The Simpsons element in band's name. Thanks for this request!
Demo - 2000 | 128kbps
Losing All Hope Is Freedom - 2001 | 192kbps
Burned Alive By Time - 2002 | 320kbps
Evergreen Terrace vs. xOne Fifthx (Split) - 2003 | 192kbps
Writer's Block - 2004 | 320kbps
At Our Worst - 2004 | 256kbps
Sincerity Is an Easy Disguise in This Business - 2005 | VBR (~270kbps)
Wolfbiker - 2007 | VBR (~240kbps)
Blowing Chunks - 2008 | 160kbps
Almost Home - 2009 | 320kbps
Melodic Hardcore,
18 listopada 2010
Thoughts Paint The Sky

And the band is still alive, maybe soon they will visit your city, so get to know the songs and learn the lyrics.
And The Colour Is Your Choise EP - 2005 | VBR kbps
Thoughts Paint The Sky - 2006 | VBR kbps
Schlicht And Ergreifend - 2007 | VBR kbps
Asterisk EP - 2007 | VBR kbps
Live @ Subversiv, Berlin 1.12.2007 | 256 kbps
Rethought Vol. 1 - 2007 | 192 kbps
Bleeding Through

Dust To Ashes - 2001 | 320 kbps
Portrait Of The Goddess - 2002 | 320 kbps
This Love Is Murderous - 2003 | 320 kbps
The Truth - 2006 | 320 kbps
Declaration - 2008 | 320 kbps
Part I - Part II
Bleeding Through - 2010 | 320 kbps
Part I - Part II
Symphonic Metal
Nevermind The Name

Nevermind The Name is a one-man-bedroom-project started april 2010 in Cologne, Germany. The music is produced with a laptop, an line6 audio interface some pedals, cheap recording software and drum-sampler. Inspired by multiple genres of music, ntn combines different influences. With the focus on a tense atmosphere, ntn’s music is layed out to produce specific emotions that shall help to bring up a kind of dreamworld in listeners minds.
Nevermind The Name EP - 2010 | 256kbs
Home LP - 2010 | 192kbs
17 listopada 2010

His real name is Keith Kenniff. He is a Portland-based ambient indie electronic artist who works under the monikers Helios and Goldmund. He is also half of the shoegaze band Mint Julep, and children’s band Meadows along with his wife Hollie Kenniff. Try at first Eingya - Imo one of the best from genre!
Unomia LP - 2004 | 256kbs
Eingya LP - 2006 | VBR
Ayres EP - 2007 | 192kbs
Caesura LP - 2008 | 320kbs
Ayres (Instrumental) EP - 2010 | VBR
Unleft LP - 2010 | 320kbs
Unomia LP - 2004 | 256kbs
Eingya LP - 2006 | VBR
Ayres EP - 2007 | 192kbs
Caesura LP - 2008 | 320kbs
Ayres (Instrumental) EP - 2010 | VBR
Unleft LP - 2010 | 320kbs
15 listopada 2010
Yodaka (よだか)

Yodaka (よだか) were a Japanese Post-Rock band consisting of Kashiwa Daisuke (Guitar/Programming), Nema Takeshi (Guitar/Synth), Takimoto Nozomu (Bass) and Yamamoto Hironobu (Drums). Kashiwa Daisuke started his solo project in 2004. よだか has only released a bootleg, which calls also よだか and these mp3 below are the only in the net, unfortunately in quite poor quality :(
Apricot Rail

Apricot Rail is a young post-rock formation from Australia. The premise of the band always was simple: music based on unique guitar tunings, the use of natural harmonics, and very open ideas about other instruments, electronica and song structure. And this sentence IMO describe them completly. Highly recommended!
Polar Bear Club

Post-Hardcore band from Rochester, New York. They represent pretty intense approach to dynamic of their songs. Lot of them seem to just be catchy and tend to be called pop punky, however everything changes when the vocalist switches his scratchy voice into screaming. Then we can feel some real energy and what post-hardcore should be. A lot of their songs sound cheerful and just happy which places them a bit closer to american rock and punk culture than bands like Thrice. Listen to it only while in good mood.
Demo - 2005 | 128kbps
The Redder, The Better - 2006 | VBR (~260kbps)
Sometimes Things Just Disappear - 2008 | VBR (~240kbps)
The Summer Of George - 2009 | VBR (~240kbps)
Chasing Hamburg - 2009 | 320kbps
Melodic Hardcore,
Punk Rock,
13 listopada 2010
Ólafur Arnalds (BONUS TRACKS)

Ólafur Arnalds is an Icelandic compositor who explores the crossover classical music with some electronic elements by mixing chamber strings and piano with discreet electronic.
P.S. Photo is from yesterday's concert in Warsaw.
3 Exclusive Bonus Tracks from ...And They Have Escaped From The Weight Of Darkness - 2010 | 320kbs
Older Releases:
P.S. Photo is from yesterday's concert in Warsaw.
3 Exclusive Bonus Tracks from ...And They Have Escaped From The Weight Of Darkness - 2010 | 320kbs
Older Releases:

Hummingbird (not to be confused with the 70’s band of the same name) is the nom de plume of an otherwise well known composer behind the album “Our Fearful Symmetry”, which defines elements within the modern classical genre. It includes subtle string arrangements mixed with echoes of piano notes, fused with hallmarks of the electro-acoustic genre – waves of static, white noise and field recordings tangle with layers of fragmented texture that create both the foreground and background.
Modern Classical,
Sunlight Ascending

Sunlight Ascending is a young band that formed in Detroit, Michigan, USA around the beginning of 2007. Their music is a mix of so atmospheric Post-rock and dreamlike soundscapes. The members onf band are from 15 to 22 years old and claim that they will continue their activity as long as it will be possible.
12 listopada 2010
49 Morphines

South Korean screamo band combining various post-rock elements in their composition.
Most Important Value - 2004 | 128kbps
Partial Eclipse - 2009 | 320kbps
11 listopada 2010
8 listopada 2010

5-piece sludge band hailing from Cologne, Germany. The band was named after the russian icebreaker class, the Arktika-class.
Heartwrencher - 2009 | VBR (~230kbps)
At Zero - 2010 | 320kbps

Amazing band from San Francisco. Feder Magazine review: “…what happens if No Age traded in good vibes and instead got real angry from the depths of a muffled cavern. It’s about four minutes of build up, windy moans and plodding drums giving way to a balls to the wall freakout as the whole song collapses on itself.” I fully recommend their new album Sports.
Love Lost But Not Forgotten

Love Lost But Not Forgotten was a screamo band from St. Peters, Missouri, formed in 1997. Known for their violence on stage and unique vocals provided by a lineup that sometimes included two main vocalists and a trio of guitarists.
with JOSHUA FIT FOR BATTLE - Split - 1999 | 160kbs
Self-Titled LP - 2000 | 320kbs
Demo - 2002 | 160kbs
Upon The Right, I Saw A New Misery LP - 2002 | 320kbs
Her Breath On Glass

Split with We Are Corpses - 2005 | VBR kbps
Split with Championship - 2006 | VBR kbps
Split with Danse Macabre - 2006 | VBR kbps
Building Monuments For Survival - 2006 | VBR kbps
Split with Sofy Major - 2007 | VBR kbps
Split with Khere - 2007 | VBR kbps
We Aimed Straight Down - 2008 | VBR kbps
7 listopada 2010

Carnifex EP - 2006 | VBR kbps
Dead In My Arms - 2007 | 320 kbps
The Diseased And The Poisoned - 2008 | 320 kbps
Hell Chose Me - 2010 | 320 kbps
5 listopada 2010
Thema Eleven

Czech post-hardcore band which shows totally different face in each of their tracks.
Demo - 1998 | 256kbps
7 + 11 = 666 - Split with Ravelin 7 - 2001 | 128/192kbps
Split with Gnu - 2001 | 192kbps
Choose Your Beast - 2003 | VBR (~260kbps)
Split with Dodewaard & Petethepiratesquid & The Third Memory - 2003 | 320kbps
The Great Misanthrope - 2007 | 320kbps
Split with Gride - 2009 | VBR (~230kbps)
4 listopada 2010
Posty (Atom)